Photos with the Album Tag Name reunion_88

Photo ID Owner Title
reunion_88_120 admin Julie Neburka down at the beach
reunion_88_121 admin Young woman sitting on the chess bench
reunion_88_122 admin A big simile from Clair Kaplan
reunion_88_123 admin Da Lifeguards
reunion_88_124 admin Clair Kaplan watching her son with great care and pride
reunion_88_125 admin Professor Carla Kaplan with her significant other
reunion_88_126 admin Lisa Tanenbaum by the side porch
reunion_88_127 admin Lisa Tanenbaum between John Glass and Rufus Diamant
reunion_88_128 admin Herman and David Schuchman with Lois Rosen
reunion_88_129 admin Marilyn Schuchman wearing shades
reunion_88_130 admin Millie Otis at the top of the farm house stairs
reunion_88_131 admin Jill Cliffer Baratta addressing the audience after a meal
reunion_88_132 admin More Lifeguards
reunion_88_133 admin Another view of the beach
reunion_88_134 admin Martha Younger-White down at the beach with her son
reunion_88_135 admin Mary, Connie, Laurie, and Jude in the office
reunion_88_136 admin Mary Olson enjoying her guests in the office
reunion_88_137 admin Mary Olson's parents visiting CPC to check in on their daughter
reunion_88_138 admin Linda Lieb giving me her you-take-too-many-photos look
reunion_88_139 admin More beach scenes