Photos with the Album Tag Name reunion_88

Photo ID Owner Title
reunion_88_100 admin Nori Davis painting the farm house
reunion_88_101 admin Nancy Ocampo with child on lap
reunion_88_102 admin Carrie Schuman by the farm house
reunion_88_103 admin Tom Fineberg and his Chess and Go sets
reunion_88_104 admin Russel, Erica, and Jerry in the Big Tent
reunion_88_105 admin Jerry Swann by the old photos on the wall
reunion_88_106 admin Dottie Sandberg by the volley ball court
reunion_88_107 admin A big smile from Russel Sandberg
reunion_88_108 admin Debra Schultz looking serious
reunion_88_109 admin Penn Fix playing spoons for Millie Otis
reunion_88_110 admin Two of CPC's really good writers - Michael Jonas and Mark Bonsignore
reunion_88_111 admin Michael Jonas giving us a great expression
reunion_88_112 admin Miriam Marcus at the folk dance
reunion_88_113 admin Pam Strauss and her significant other by the old photos
reunion_88_114 admin A nice smile from Linda Berlin
reunion_88_115 admin Robin Connell in a jean jacket
reunion_88_116 admin Barbara Hofer and Rachel DeGolia in the big tent
reunion_88_117 admin Frank Rosen and his daughter Rachel DeGolia
reunion_88_118 admin Karen and Andrea Larson - da cooks!
reunion_88_119 admin Karen Larson dancing the Salty Dog Rag