Photos with the Person Tag Name pam_strauss

Photo ID Owner Title
groups_67_88_006 admin 1975 Summer Camp Staff
groups_67_88_027 admin Female Camp Staff getting ready to sing and dance - early 1980s
groups_67_88_036 admin Female Camp Staff in song and dance - early 1980s
pams1_043 admin Val Lewandoski and Pam Strauss by Lake Michigan
people_38_98_240 admin Pam Strauss
reinhardt_w_05_030 admin Pam, Nancy, and Jerome share a breakfast
reunion_88_001 admin Pam Strauss and Tom Fineberg
reunion_88_043 admin Pam Strauss chatting with Barnabas Johnson
reunion_88_113 admin Pam Strauss and her significant other by the old photos
reunion_88_162 admin Don, Barbara, Tom, and Pam in the shade
reunion_88_184 admin Pam Strauss sitting with Two of the Four Amigos
reunion_88_185 admin Don, Barbara, Pam, and Sig Other