Photos with the Person Tag Name lisa_tanenbaum

Photo ID Owner Title
directors_000 admin Bat Graham
groups_67_88_015 admin 1973 - Bill Knox Memorial at the 35th Reunion
groups_67_88_016 admin Bill Knox Memorial (July 4th, 1973)
people_38_98_001 admin From the 1973 Bill Knox Memorial
people_38_98_218 admin Lisa Tanenbaum in 1969
reunion_88_025 admin Lisa, Howie, and Laurie
reunion_88_126 admin Lisa Tanenbaum by the side porch
reunion_88_127 admin Lisa Tanenbaum between John Glass and Rufus Diamant
reunion_88_165 admin Marilyn Schuchman on path down to the beach
reunion_88_168 admin Leni and Lisa Tanenbaum talking to Polly Boyajian on beach path