Photos with the Person Tag Name laurie_rotecki

Photo ID Owner Title
groups_67_88_011 admin 1976 Summer Camp Photo - a little more serious
people_38_98_131 admin The Rotecki Family
people_38_98_195 admin Youthie Girls in the Late 1960s
reinhardt_w_01_040 admin Laurie Rotecki with a hand on her shoulder
reinhardt_w_09_016 admin Daniel Wolfsohn and Laurie Rotecki out on the dance floor
reinhardt_w_09_030 admin Nice red dress with white pokadots
reunion_88_010 admin Lauri Rotecki and Lauren Peoples on bench
reunion_88_025 admin Lisa, Howie, and Laurie
reunion_88_026 admin Laurie, Lauren, Carrie, and Rufus on a bench
reunion_88_027 admin Clair, Laurie, and Vera King by CPC's old photos
reunion_88_049 admin Barnabas and Laurie Rotecki beside the farm house
reunion_88_051 admin Clair and Laurie - children abound
reunion_88_140 admin Don Altemus by camp store
reunion_88_141 admin Laurie Rotecki down at the beach with her child
reunion_88_169 admin Beth Burns, Miriam Marcus, and Laurie Rotecki by Kings and Queens