Photos with the Person Tag Name joe_likover

Photo ID Owner Title
directors_019 admin Ric Timmons and Joe Likover on the stone steps
directors_027 admin Directors Group photo in 1988 at the 50th Reunion
directors_028 admin Joe Likover leading work projects
groups_67_88_005 admin Summer Camp Staff Photo from the late 1970s
groups_67_88_009 admin 1976 Summer Camp Staff - a little more serious
groups_67_88_010 admin 1976 Summer Camp Staff - a lot less serious
groups_67_88_014 admin Photo of Directors taken at the 50th reunion in 1988
people_38_98_056 admin Joe Likover looking up
people_38_98_093 admin A gathering of former CPC Directors
reunion_88_016 admin Joe Likover in a blurry shot
reunion_88_038 admin Joe Likover being interviewed
reunion_88_046 admin Former Directors on the Front Porch in 1988
reunion_88_047 admin Joe Likover and Don Shall chatting over coffee
reunion_88_069 admin Joe Likover, Don Shall, and Seymour Meyerson
reunion_88_117 admin Frank Rosen and his daughter Rachel DeGolia
reunion_88_174 admin Another blurry one of Joe Likover
reunion_98_048 admin Joe Likover supervising the Rec Hall Scene
reunion_98_075 admin Sharon Likover and Joe at the Big Tent