Photos with the Person Tag Name jerry_swann

Photo ID Owner Title
bill_knox_001 admin Bill Knox Memorial in 1973
groups_67_88_015 admin 1973 - Bill Knox Memorial at the 35th Reunion
groups_67_88_016 admin Bill Knox Memorial (July 4th, 1973)
people_38_98_022 admin Truck by Kitchen Porch in the early 1970s
people_38_98_023 admin Bird watching with Don Altemus
people_38_98_040 admin Don Altemus giving a talk
people_38_98_211 admin Jerry Swann on a nature walk with Don Altemus
reinhardt_w_08_051 admin Leslie McBride leading an exercise
reinhardt_w_09_002 admin Campers dancing around a dog
reinhardt_w_09_003 admin Dancing around a dog
reinhardt_w_10_039 admin An end-of-session awards ceremony in the barn
reunion_88_044 admin Two of the Four Amigos and Erica
reunion_88_104 admin Russel, Erica, and Jerry in the Big Tent
reunion_88_105 admin Jerry Swann by the old photos on the wall
reunion_88_173 admin Glen Sandberg and Jerry Swann in the dining room