Photos with the Person Tag Name glen_sandberg

Photo ID Owner Title
bill_knox_016 admin Bill listening intently at a meeting
people_38_98_009 admin A meeting of the wise in the dining room
people_38_98_023 admin Bird watching with Don Altemus
people_38_98_032 admin The Think Tank at CPC in the mid-1970s
people_38_98_044 admin Tom Mix and Glen Sandberg building the Pavilion
people_38_98_101 admin Nature hike with Don Altemus
people_38_98_143 admin Think tank at CPC in the early 1970s
people_38_98_204 admin Glen Sandberg making a point with Jerry Gordon looking on
people_38_98_211 admin Jerry Swann on a nature walk with Don Altemus
reinhardt_w_01_006 admin Glen Sandberg wearing red shirt
reinhardt_w_01_007 admin Glen Sandberg in the grass
reinhardt_w_03_000 admin Tom Fineberg and Glen Sandberg on the front lawn
reinhardt_w_04_028 admin CPC Board Meeting on the front lawn
reinhardt_w_08_056 admin Meeting on the front lawn
reinhardt_w_09_022 admin Glenn and Jill on the dance floor
reunion_88_058 admin Announcements in the Big Tent
reunion_88_064 admin Folkdancing with Steve, Karen, Lauren, Cindy, John, and Glen
reunion_88_173 admin Glen Sandberg and Jerry Swann in the dining room
still_life_38_98_041 admin Glen Sandberg tearing down a cabin
still_life_38_98_055 admin Glen Sandberg by the lower barn