Photos with the Person Tag Name don_shall

Photo ID Owner Title
directors_027 admin Directors Group photo in 1988 at the 50th Reunion
directors_032 admin Don Shall
groups_67_88_014 admin Photo of Directors taken at the 50th reunion in 1988
groups_67_88_029 admin Summer Camp Staff - not too serious - 1982
groups_67_88_030 admin Summer Camp Staff - a little more serious - 1982
groups_67_88_031 admin All Camp Photo - 1982
groups_67_88_032 admin Yet Another All Camp Photo - 1982
pams1_012 admin Don Shall by the kitchen porch
pams1_016 admin Don Shall and others in the parking lot
pams1_033 admin Don Shall with fancy hat
people_38_98_093 admin A gathering of former CPC Directors
reunion_88_011 admin Don Shall and Meryl Domina in dining tent
reunion_88_035 admin Don Shall and Barnabas Johnson ready to kick
reunion_88_046 admin Former Directors on the Front Porch in 1988
reunion_88_047 admin Joe Likover and Don Shall chatting over coffee
reunion_88_059 admin Don Shall making a dash for it
reunion_88_069 admin Joe Likover, Don Shall, and Seymour Meyerson
reunion_88_162 admin Don, Barbara, Tom, and Pam in the shade
reunion_88_185 admin Don, Barbara, Pam, and Sig Other