Photo ID |
Owner |
Title |
groups_67_88_005 |
admin |
Summer Camp Staff Photo from the late 1970s |
groups_67_88_009 |
admin |
1976 Summer Camp Staff - a little more serious |
groups_67_88_010 |
admin |
1976 Summer Camp Staff - a lot less serious |
groups_67_88_023 |
admin |
Juniors - in the late-1970s |
groups_67_88_024 |
admin |
Juniors Hiding Behind Fallen Tree - in the late-1970s |
people_38_98_041 |
admin |
Jay Bonsignore and Debra Schultz supervising the carving of a turkey |
people_38_98_107 |
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Debra, Jon, and Jackie on a log |
people_38_98_195 |
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Youthie Girls in the Late 1960s |
people_38_98_243 |
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Debra Schultz |
reunion_88_108 |
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Debra Schultz looking serious |
reunion_88_152 |
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Debra Schultz and Debbie Young down at the beach |
reunion_88_167 |
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Leni Tanenbaum dancing a little on the beach |
reunion_88_189 |
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An interesting smile from Debra Schultz |