Photos with the Location Tag Name parking_lot

Photo ID Owner Title
people_38_98_223 admin Oliver Wassow in 1970
people_38_98_235 admin Summer Camp Staff in 1969
people_38_98_237 admin Tim Patten in 1969
people_38_98_258 admin Don Altemus putting the CPC sign on our new van
reinhardt_w_02_070 admin Todd Kaplan wearing a blue hat
reinhardt_w_04_007 admin Kitchen Porch and Parking Lot scene
reinhardt_w_04_016 admin Mark, Lindsay, and Billie by the camp van
reinhardt_w_04_017 admin Billie and Max by the camp van
reinhardt_w_04_033 admin Lauren Peoples by Michael Cohen's Green Truck
reinhardt_w_04_034 admin Campers and their Luggage
reinhardt_w_04_035 admin David Schuchman sitting on top of the blue truck
reinhardt_w_08_057 admin Billie Altemus and Mark Bonsignore
still_life_38_98_091 admin View of the butler and swallows
still_life_38_98_104 admin Ray and Dot by old truck in parking lot by the farm house