Photos with the Album Tag Name still_life_38_98

Photo ID Owner Title
still_life_38_98_020 admin Farm house lawn
still_life_38_98_021 admin New Junior Cabin construction
still_life_38_98_022 admin Cistern mound between the farm house and Kings & Queens
still_life_38_98_023 admin Old orchard cabin
still_life_38_98_024 admin The kitchen porch back in the day
still_life_38_98_025 admin View of old swallows from the Mansion area
still_life_38_98_026 admin Relatively new dock It floats now
still_life_38_98_027 admin Artsy view of the relatively new doc
still_life_38_98_028 admin Swallows in winter
still_life_38_98_029 admin Junior cabins behind the Rec Hall
still_life_38_98_030 admin Swallows in winter with gas pump
still_life_38_98_031 admin Orchard camping in the winter. Bring your chains
still_life_38_98_032 admin Stain glass window in the farm house
still_life_38_98_033 admin The Pavilion
still_life_38_98_034 admin Swallows expansion
still_life_38_98_035 admin Barn across from the farm house lawn
still_life_38_98_036 admin Snow on Swallows
still_life_38_98_037 admin Early farm house lawn
still_life_38_98_038 admin Craft shop in the lower barn
still_life_38_98_039 admin The old farm house Parking lot view