Photo ID |
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Title |
reunion_88_180 |
admin |
A nice smile from Miriam Marcus |
reunion_88_181 |
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Russel Sandberg and Lucinda Nichols |
reunion_88_182 |
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Ann Lauderdale on a bench in the front lawn |
reunion_88_183 |
admin |
A nice smile from H. Roz Woll and I love Karen Larson's expression |
reunion_88_184 |
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Pam Strauss sitting with Two of the Four Amigos |
reunion_88_185 |
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Don, Barbara, Pam, and Sig Other |
reunion_88_186 |
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Antony Spencer in the dining room |
reunion_88_187 |
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Barnabas Johnson addressing folks in the big tent |
reunion_88_188 |
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Tom Fineberg playing chess with some young campers |
reunion_88_189 |
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An interesting smile from Debra Schultz |
reunion_88_190 |
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Tom VanHammen walking down to the shop in Swallows |
reunion_88_191 |
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Julie Neberka in the kitchen |
reunion_88_192 |
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Julie Neberka consulting with other kitchen staff |