Photo ID |
Owner |
Title |
people_38_98_120 |
admin |
Rock Climbing at the Grand Ledges |
people_38_98_121 |
admin |
A play with Oona Hockberg, Peggy Russell, and Verda Foster |
people_38_98_122 |
admin |
Rona - one of CPC's Great Cooks |
people_38_98_123 |
admin |
Clancy Noailles |
people_38_98_124 |
admin |
Repelling at the Grand Ledges |
people_38_98_125 |
admin |
Camper in Flight |
people_38_98_126 |
admin |
Orchard Cabin Reconstruction at CPC |
people_38_98_127 |
admin |
Oona watching a budding young musician |
people_38_98_128 |
admin |
The CPC ropes course created by Ric Timmons |
people_38_98_129 |
admin |
Life guard Ben supervising the action down at the beach |
people_38_98_130 |
admin |
Beverly Packham-Bauer eating an apple |
people_38_98_131 |
admin |
The Rotecki Family |
people_38_98_132 |
admin |
Connie and Steve |
people_38_98_133 |
admin |
Folk dancing in the Rec Hall |
people_38_98_134 |
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Millie, Earl, and Mike |
people_38_98_135 |
admin |
Campers hanging out by the CPC cistern |
people_38_98_136 |
admin |
The CPC Camp Store is Open for Business |
people_38_98_137 |
admin |
Polly making maple syrup with Billie |
people_38_98_138 |
admin |
Patrick Harris |
people_38_98_139 |
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Rose Daitsman |