Photos with the Album Tag Name people_38_98

Photo ID Owner Title
people_38_98_000 admin Bacia Gordon
people_38_98_001 admin From the 1973 Bill Knox Memorial
people_38_98_002 admin Shelia Hori
people_38_98_003 admin Circle Piners Planting Crops
people_38_98_004 admin A tradition in some countries: dinner on the floor
people_38_98_005 admin Woman with child in her lap
people_38_98_006 admin Bob Tenbrink making maple syrup
people_38_98_007 admin Bacia Gordon's painting class down at the beach
people_38_98_008 admin Visitor with drum giving a talk on the front lawn
people_38_98_009 admin A meeting of the wise in the dining room
people_38_98_010 admin Lifeguard John Henry Mitchell
people_38_98_011 admin Judge Hubert T. Delany
people_38_98_012 admin Peter Weil - one of our best photographers
people_38_98_013 admin This visitor taught drumming and dance
people_38_98_014 admin A meeting on the front lawn
people_38_98_015 admin Stella Meister painting Rosita Best
people_38_98_016 admin Leo Tannenbaum talking to someone in the pines
people_38_98_017 admin Lovely woman with child
people_38_98_018 admin Camp artists painting near the barn
people_38_98_019 admin Counselor Marianne Kaskel Cohen