Photos with the Album Tag Name pams1

Photo ID Owner Title
pams1_001 admin Campers and Staff sitting on the Chess Bench
pams1_002 admin Nancia Shawver on the front lawn
pams1_003 admin Paul and Rick sitting on the cistern
pams1_004 admin Rick Schroeder and Fred Beshears in front of camp store
pams1_005 admin The camp store open for business
pams1_006 admin The kitchen porch
pams1_007 admin Camper sitting in front of camp store
pams1_008 admin Campers sitting in front of Kings and Queens
pams1_009 admin Sitting in the shade
pams1_010 admin Cindy Nichols, Mona Alaka, and Nancy Roberts in Juniors
pams1_011 admin Michael (Mizie) Jonas by Acorn dining room porch
pams1_012 admin Don Shall by the kitchen porch
pams1_013 admin Patrick Harris in front of Swallows
pams1_014 admin Krissy McCall and Karen Murphy by the kitchen porch
pams1_015 admin Ducks on Lake Stewart
pams1_016 admin Don Shall and others in the parking lot
pams1_017 admin Eileen Ball down by the beach
pams1_018 admin Val Lewandoski
pams1_019 admin Dave Michaels
pams1_020 admin Down by the beach