Photo ID |
Owner |
Title |
bill_knox_000 |
admin |
Bill Knox by the CPC gas pump |
bill_knox_001 |
admin |
Bill Knox Memorial in 1973 |
bill_knox_002 |
admin |
Bill Knox helping to build the Rec Hall |
bill_knox_003 |
admin |
Bill at his carpenter's workbench |
bill_knox_004 |
admin |
Bill Knox putting new siding on the Mansion |
bill_knox_005 |
admin |
Bill at a meeting |
bill_knox_006 |
admin |
Sundial on telescope hill |
bill_knox_007 |
admin |
Bill working in his office |
bill_knox_008 |
admin |
Bill talking to a member of the staff |
bill_knox_009 |
admin |
Bill by a tower |
bill_knox_010 |
admin |
Bill making ice cream on the front lawn |
bill_knox_011 |
admin |
Bill giving us a nice smile |
bill_knox_012 |
admin |
Bill posing in front of Swallows |
bill_knox_013 |
admin |
Bill by Kings and Queens |
bill_knox_014 |
admin |
Bill talking to a friend |
bill_knox_015 |
admin |
Bill showing campers the stars on telescope hill |
bill_knox_016 |
admin |
Bill listening intently at a meeting |
bill_knox_017 |
admin |
Bill cutting up wood with a big circular saw |
bill_knox_018 |
admin |
Bill attending a meeting in the dining room |
bill_knox_019 |
admin |
Bill by Swallows getting ready to cut a board |